


Many magical beings in ancient times inhabited the waters of rivers, streams, lakes, springs, as well as swamps and marshes. In addition to the water itself, respect was often paid to them through the ceremonial throwing of sacrifices into the waters.

 Our ancestors believed that every spring, water source or natural well has its own magical being, protector, its own WATER SPIRIT - a water seyna, just like every tree or plant has one. Such a being was most often perceived as an old man with long white hair, a mustache, and a beard.

Sometimes the guardian could also be a being in the form of a tall white-haired woman, in which case it was said that such a spring was guarded by a water FAIRY.

Such beings were considered very wise, even omniscient, and often had healing powers.

The Slavs, and certainly not only them, have known the healing properties of mineral waters since ancient times. The sick came to the sources of these waters to be treated with their mineral water - by drinking, bathing, or washing. In addition to the knowledge of the healing properties of water, and even water vapor in the so-called steam bath, our ancestors have long known the healing power of mud.

As for the steam bath, it was dedicated to a water being with the power to heal, known as BANNIK. . His black, hairy, and scruffy appearance might not have suggested it, but with his magical and healing abilities, he liked to help our ancestors with his magical and healing power and was considered by them to be a being of bodily cleansing and healing.

Of course, we don't like to forget the aquatic creature that I guess everyone knows and that is the GOLDFISH. Surprisingly, it is not the embodiment or transformation of some deity, nor does it represent a being entrusted with ruling over the element of water. A goldfish is a magical being gifted with human speech that has the power to grant wishes, but usually only three.