


One of the most famous fiery magical creatures is the FIREBIRD. This magical fire creature, also called the phoenix, is the embodiment of the fire god Simarigl, whether in the form of a two headed eagle, a fiery peacock or a rooster with flaming feathers.

The Firebird, as one of the most powerful magical creatures, was a symbol of rebirth, renewal and immortality for our ancestors. His birth is associated in religious ideas with the lighting of the heavenly fire.

When the creator Svarog, at the dawn of time, struck the sacred stone of mount Altyr with his sledgehammer, and sparks of flame flew to all the worlds of the Universe, two of them ignited the linden tree that grew in the middle of Iria, the city of the gods. As the fire burned down, a bird with flaming feathers flew out of the ashes.

The characteristics of this fiery being are similar all over the world. Once in a while, the phoenix burns in its own flame to be reborn from its ashes renewed and rejuvenated. The song of this fiery bird is so beautiful that whoever hears it forgets all sorrows. His tears heal diseases and heal wounds. A dropped feather, even if it burns out and turns into gold, ensures that whoever gets it, all evil will depart from him, he will be cured of all diseases and will ensure not only health, but also happiness and wealth. As long as a person carries it with him, he will succeed in everything he sets his mind to, and he can even cancel the worst curses.

The Firebird is the eternal companion or other divine half of the god Simarigl and usually sits on his left shoulder or flies in glowing circles above him. This fiery being is often associated with the sun and the sun god Svarozhich Dazhbog, because when the sun sets, the mission of the Firebird with Svarozhich Simarigl is to guard the world of people and the world of gods from darkness.