


Ancient Slavs, and not only they, guided their lives, especially their farming, by observing the sky. The position of celestial bodies determined when a sacred festival should occur, and this also regulated the agricultural year.

Similar to many ancient cultures, for the Slavs, time was endless and flowed in a circle. This solar circle was divided throughout the day into several sacred moments such as dawn, noon, dusk, and midnight.

Likewise, the wheel of the year was divided into seasons, which were marked primarily by solstices and equinoxes, as well as major sacred festivals such as Groundhog the May Night of Fires, Harvest Festival, ZADUSHNICE – HALLOWEEN, and many other festivals closely connected to the cycles of vegetation.

This division of the circle of time essentially created a solar calendar. However, for our ancestors, the lunar circle of time was also very important, divided into periods determined by the movement of the moon and the change of its phases.

 In addition to the solar and lunar calendars, our ancestors also followed weather lore. A weather lore - PRANOSTIKA is essentially a prophecy or prediction that repeats cyclically based on the observations and life experiences of previous generations.

In the religious tradition of the ancient Slavs, such prophecies were not only connected to time but also to the belief in a predetermined course of events or actions, in other words – the fate.

For the moments of the day or the year, but also for fate, there were several deities and magical beings.