


The faith of the ancestors reflected the knowledge that a tree, a plant, even a mushroom has its own spirit, its own soul, known as Seyna. SEYNA, or a  forest fairy, are names for beings that embody a tree or other plants, known in other cultures as nymphs or tree fairies.

Fairies are generally magical beings of the Earth that, like goblins, appear in various environments and are described in stories worldwide. They are best known as water beings.

Tree Seyna can be perceived as tall, slender figures several meters high, resembling humans and closely linked to individual trees. With smaller plants or mushrooms, these beings were more like goblins or even smaller entities. A Seyna looks like it has bark instead of skin and leaves instead of hair. Sometimes the likeness of a Seyna is imprinted on the bark of a tree, making it possible to see different faces on the trunks. Such trees are said to be able to walk, and today, we know them as Ents.

MAVEKINYA is the name for a meadow or field fairy, as well as a forest fairy. Crop circles or patterns in meadows are said to be created by them during their nighttime dances.

Forest fairies are generally attributed with the ability to transform into various magical animals. They could also be seen as small, flying beings with butterfly or dragonfly wings, but most often, like other types of fairies, they appeared as beautiful maidens dressed in almost transparent gowns with long hair.

Some forest fairies, seen as beings living in tree hollows or crowns, could be maidens who became fairies due to a tragic death or were created as protectors by the gods themselves, such as Svetogor, Magura, or other deities.

A common feature of Seynas, is their deep and bright eyes, reflecting infinite wisdom. This wisdom stems from their constant connection with Mother Earth, their link to water and the towering heights, and the fact that the warmth of the sun’s fire flows through their bodies. So plants can serve as connectors between  worlds Prav, Jav, and Nav.

Plants can store knowledge, memories, and communicate with each other, even with other beings, including humans. Through these connections, plants revealed many of their healing and magical properties to our ancestors and provided guidance on how to use them.

Tree Seynas are curious beings and sometimes wander away from their tree at night. A person in the forest at night may feel like they are being watched, and often this could be true. Seynas are friendly to people and are willing to listen, take on part of their burden, or pass along a spoken request to other worlds. It is enough to approach a tree, place your hands on it, or lean against it and speak.

Forest, field, and meadow fairies were kind and helpful to people. These fairies often asked people to dance with them, rewarding them afterward. Some fairies took on human form to become the wives of mortals. Such fairies were known as famous herbalists or healers and always good housewives and mothers.

Of course, Seynas and fairies are closely connected to the divine Mother Earth, but their rulers were considered to be deities like Svetogor, Magura, and the goddess Luna.