


GOBLIN is a broad term used to define a type of magical beings found in various environments such as mountains, forests, meadows, and even human dwellings. These beings differ in appearance, size, characteristics, and temperament.

The term DWARF was most closely associated with the underground nation of mountain beings among our ancestors. Dwarfs were attributed with great craftsmanship, blacksmithing skills, and knowledge related to metal processing, as well as other mineral wealth and mining. Despite their small stature, their main attributes include immense physical strength and inherent magical abilities.

Our ancestors also knew of goblins called GNOME or MINE SPIRIT who were specifically linked to mining. Similarly, as people began converting meadows and forests into fields, beings like FAIR FOLK and LITTLE ELFS adapted to this new environment, becoming field creatures. Their descriptions often resembled goblins and dwarfs, but unlike them, these small, hairy creatures with large ears had a fondness for colorful clothing. Due to their benevolent nature, they often befriended human families and assisted them with farming.

The worldwide image of of goblins, gnomes, or dwarfs is similar everywhere,  a small, cultivated, and refined being of childlike or even smaller stature, always with long beards and pointed ears. Their clothing is also described in a similar manner, typically consisting of linen trousers and shirt, a leather apron, and a coat or vest matching the color of their hat. These beings are often depicted carrying a lantern, hammer, pickaxe, or pushing a wheelbarrow. Their tools are sometimes entirely made of gold and possess magical powers. Goblins often appeared not only in their traditional form but also as a flame or spark, or even as a small animal, such as a white rabbit.

From Norse legends, the concept of dwarfs with warrior attributes entered Slavic spirituality. These dwarfs are depicted in heavy armor, wielding war hammers or double axes. This portrayal merges with their original role as guardians of passages between worlds or protectors of hidden treasures.

 An important characteristic not to be forgotten is their cheerfulness, love of singing, feasting, and merrymaking.

A type of goblin known as a GREMLIN or ORC is naturally dark and evil. These beings are depicted as beasts, entirely hairy, with powerful claws and predatory teeth. They scarcely resemble humans and are more akin to savage beasts or bloodthirsty creatures.

Goblins and dwarfs are often helpful to good people, but they strictly punish the wicked. The help of these beings is often conditional on completing a task, guessing a riddle or changing a person's personality.

 In the past, miners offered to mine spirits gifts such as milk or sweet pastries, asking for their protection and help in finding ore veins.

Goblins, like giants, personify the forces of the earth, symbolizing that even a small being can possess immense power, wisdom, and skill, and can achieve great things through effort. The divine pair Kovlad and Runa are considered the rulers of goblins.