

EARTH and earthly magical beings, beings of MOUNTAINS, UNDERGROUNDS, FORESTS, MEADOWS and FIELDS

The ancient Slavs knew many magical beings connected to the EARTH. Thus, the sacrifices brought to sacred places by our Slavic ancestors were not sacrifices to stones or rocks, but to magical beings who lived there.

Some earth magical beings were considered to be mountain beings, others were found in the deep underground of these mountains. Others inhabited forests and meadows. However, such categorization may not be entirely accurate, as some types of magical beings, like dwarves or fairies, could appear in the mountains, underground, forests, and meadows.

In addition to the various giants, dwarves, and gnomes, the Slavic ancestors also knew of many other earthly magical beings. These included various demons, often appearing in the form of magical animals, but also in forms resembling different human-like monsters.

Many of these beings were dangerous and dark. Of course, among the plethora of magical, there were also some that were friendly to humans, but their favor had to be earned