

STRIBOG and VETERNICA - wind goddess  

For the Slavs, the god STRIBOG was the divine embodiment of wind and air forces, depicted as a wild and powerful god, in the form of a stout long-haired young man in a white silver-embroidered shirt, riding an unsaddled white horse.

He was also depicted as a deity with four faces and a sealed mouth. The four faces, facing all directions, allowed him to control and rule over all directions.

His strength, speed and mobility, as well as immense wisdom, ranked him among the most powerful beings in the Universe. All wind magical beings were subject to Stribog. Most of them were considered his sons and daughters with the wind goddess Veternica, but not only with her.

VETERNICA –wind goddess, originally a beautiful daughter of a water seyna, became the wife of the god Stribog at the beginning of time.

It is said that Veternica was so beautiful, graceful in movement, and possessed a melodious voice that many gods desired her. Even the dark god Niy learned of her beauty and attempted to abduct her, but Stribog prevented this by challenging Niy to a duel, and after defeating him, took Veternica as his wife.

After Veternica became the wind goddess, she was entrusted with the power over scents, but also smells that can heal, enchant also kill.

Her nature changed from bright and kind to dark, hostile and malevolent. The originally beautiful young divine maiden has become a dark wind goddess who appears as an old woman in a black cloak. Her arrival is heralded by a strong wind. Meeting her and looking directly into her eyes is usually fatal.

According to Slavic legends, Stribog has many sons and daughters manifesting as magical wind beings.