


It is not known how many daughters Stribog has. But four have been preserved and they are called as CLOUDWOMAN - OBLAKINE. Their job was to help the wind spirits, but all the cloud girls were too wild. Burya, Vyjuga and Yaga rebelled against their mission and are instead known as the three witches or magical babies.

BURYA, originally a cloud girl of the east and helper of brother Breez, is depicted as a tall pale woman with black tousled hair and a curved spine, giving her a fearsome appearance. Her intense, hypnotic eyes shift from light blue to dark grey. Striga Burya is dressed in yellow-blue clothes, decorated with gold or silver bracelets, rings and amulets. She carries a glass bottle in which she has trapped the power of the winds.

Whenever Burja leaves her stone dwelling hidden in the mountaintops, the wind immediately rises and begins to blow fiercely. The air becomes tense, filled with power, and the scent of rain. Striga Burya is the embodiment of wildness and unpredictability. She can be friendly and protective, but she can also quickly turn and become dangerous.

The southern cloudwoman VYUGA was supposed to be a peaceful helper of brother Wind. She is an old, hunched woman with wrinkled skin and silver hair braided into small plaits. She has only one dark but glowing eye, while the other is covered by a leather band. This doesn’t hinder her deadly gaze, capable of freezing anything in its path. She wears animal furs, a bone necklace around her neck, and bone rings on her fingers. Vyuga always has a wooden stick with her, which she uses to create ice storms.

Vyuga is quiet and reserved, but in her silence lies enormous power. Sometimes she can be smiling and calm, but usually she is dark, scary. When she leaves her icy caves, a fierce, freezing wind begins to blow, carrying a white mist with it. Wherever Baba Vyuga appears, the temperature drops.

A cloudwoman named YAGA was entrusted with the power over the western direction, but she too became a dark striga. Baba Yaga is an old woman with crooked legs and messy grey hair, from which twigs and leaves stick out, much like her untidy brown-green garment. Her sharp, curious eyes are green.  Around her neck is a necklace of precious stones. In her hands, she holds a magical broom with which she sweeps the world.

When she leaves her house, which stands on chicken legs, the air around her crackles with energy. Her presence is accompanied by the rustling of leaves and the howling of wind. Striga Yaga is curious and independent, can be friendly and protective, but also dangerous, cruel and vindictive. Baba Yaga embodies freedom and power.

The fourth daughter, born together with her twin Frost, is the cloud girl METELICA, also called Meluzina - Blizzard. Only she fulfilled her duties as a cloud of the north and helped brother Storm because her unbridled wildness was necessary for this task.

Her slim but majestic figure, as if she was created from cold air and freezing winds. Blizzard has pale skin with a hint of blue, as if still covered in frost. She has white hair and bright blue intense and sparkling eyes. Blizzard wears a dress decorated with delicate snowflake patterns. Her magical necklace is made of ice crystals and mirrors, much like her ice scepter.

When the Blizzard appears, the air becomes thick and freezing, and the land is covered in a thick snowstorm. Blizzard is unpredictable and powerful, just like her sisters. It is associated with winter gales and blizzards that bring chaos.