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  So I guess like this. First of all, one must realize that a person is a conscious being (well, at least most of the time) and self-awareness also includes being aware of one's surroundings, both in a narrower and a broader sense. I guess we can agree on that. From this realization comes tangible knowledge and intangible faith on the one hand. And here we have the beginning. FAITH.

  It's a bit of a broad focus, but let's try to narrow it down quickly to get to lighting the candle. Based on our personal faith, let's light a candle whenever we want, and we can have our own reason for it, our own ceremony, our own meditation, but this will also most certainly reflect our perception of our surroundings and therefore will be based on, say, the FAITH of our surroundings, the FAITH of our loved ones and last but not least, the BELIEFS of our ancestors. Well, here we can run into a stumbling block. The question is who are my ancestors and how deep do I want to dig to unearth that stone.

  Someone will say that he is a Slovak, a Christian, or indeed his faith is based on a natural religion, but he is a Slav and his faith has nothing to do with any Celtic Halloween, Samhain, or even Halloween as we perceive it today. But the most important thing is whether we want to ask WHY? If we receive knowledge, then it is up to us to accept it or not.

  All over the world, independently of each other, not only in place but also in time, people BELIEVED that during this period of forty days between the autumnal equinox and the coming winter solstice, it was a good time to honor their ANCESTORS. Why?

  If we look around, at this time most of the crops are under the roof, we are preparing for dark, cold times. Since ancient times, people have believed that they can thank the gods (or a specific god), but also their ancestors, for everything they have acquired. After all, if it weren't for them, we wouldn't be here either. Well, what does lighting candles on graves or even Halloween pumpkins have to do with ancestors and gratitude?

  The answer is again FAITH. Belief in the fact that at this time the gates between the worlds open. Between the living and the dead. He believes that it is a time when it is easier than ever to meet and each of us can perceive our ancestors in a completely different way and show them our gratitude and respect.

  Let the holiday be called: All Souls' Day, Dźady, Shamhain, El día de los muertos - Day of the Dead, one of such expressions can be lighting a candle on the grave of an ancestor. Cleaning the graves of ancestors, decorating them with flowers, but also lighting a candle in a pumpkin in front of the door. Why a pumpkin in front of the door? We'll talk after the holidays.

  I wish you that the light of the candles shines on your ancestors on the way to you, and that the light shines in your heart on the way of your life, and it doesn't matter whether on the eve of the holiday, whether you call it Vilija or Halloween, you will be quiet and meditate or have fun although also in "American".

If you want to know something about me or me events, I will be happy.

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I would be happy to answer your questions about: SLAV PRE-CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY, THEN and TODAY

1 Weleslaw (12/29/2023 18:29:29)